
Show xml data in Frontend

Is it possible fetching data from a cached xml file and then showing them on front end?

I was thinking doing it in a TYPO3 extension and with its domain model (and getter/setter) but without a database table. And then filling in data with SimpleXML just to "store" them in memory. At least display the data from domain model with fluid on front end. But I don't know is this approach right or is there a better way to do that? In particular setting up the persistence layer I don't understand.

For any help I thank you very much for your effort in advance.


  • I found an "acceptable" solution. My approach for that was:

    1. Get all items from xml file
    2. Add a slug field
    3. Sort the items
    4. Display sorted items on the front end
    5. Create unique pretty url

    1. Get all items from xml file

    Controller: listAction, detailAction

    public function listAction() {
        $jobs = $this->xmlDataRepository->findAll();
        $jobsArray = $this->simpleXmlObjToArr($jobs);
        $jobsArraySorted = $this->sortJobsByTitle($jobsArray);
        $this->view->assign('jobs', $jobsArraySorted);
    public function detailAction($slugid) {
        $job = $this->xmlDataRepository->findBySlugWithId($slugid);
        $this->view->assign('job', $job[0]);

    Repository: findAll, findBySlugWithId

    public function findAll() {
        $objectStorage = new ObjectStorage();
        $dataFolder = ConfigurationService::setDataFolder();
        $xmlFile = glob($dataFolder . '*.xml')[0];
        $xmlData = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile,'SimpleXMLElement',LIBXML_NOWARNING);
        // error handling
        if ($xmlData === false) {
        foreach($xmlData->children() as $job) {
        return $objectStorage;
    public function findBySlugWithId($slugid) {
        // get id from slugid
        $id = substr($slugid,strrpos($slugid,'-',-1)+1);
        $objectStorage = new ObjectStorage();
        $dataFolder = ConfigurationService::setDataFolder();
        $xmlFile = glob($dataFolder . '*.xml')[0];
        $xmlData = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile,'SimpleXMLElement',LIBXML_NOWARNING);
        // error handling
        if ($xmlData === false) {
        $jobfound = false;
        foreach($xmlData->children() as $job) {
            if ($job->JobId == $id) {
                $jobfound = true;
        // throw 404-error
        if (!$jobfound) {
            $response = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ErrorController::class)->pageNotFoundAction(
                'Ihre angeforderte Seite wurde nicht gefunden',
                ['code' => PageAccessFailureReasons::PAGE_NOT_FOUND]
            throw new ImmediateResponseException($response, 9000006460);
        return $objectStorage;

    2. Add a slug field (controller)

    protected function simpleXmlObjToArr($obj) {
        // 2-dimensional array
        $array = [];
        foreach($obj as $item){
            $row = [];
            foreach($item as $key => $val){
                $row[(string)$key] = (string)$val;
            //add slug field, build it with Title
            $row['Slug'] = $this->convertToPathSegment($row['Titel']);
            // add $row to $array
        return $array;

    3. Sort the items (controller)

    protected function sortJobsByTitle(array $jobs) {
        $title = array();
        $id = array();
        foreach ($jobs as $key => $job) {
            $title[$key] = $job['Titel'];
            $id[$key] = $job['JobId'];
        // sort jobs array according to title, uid (uid because if there are courses with the same title!)
        array_multisort($title,SORT_ASC, $id,SORT_ASC, $jobs,SORT_STRING);
        return $jobs;

    4. Display sorted items on the front end (templates)


        <f:for each="{jobs}" as="job">
                    <f:link.action class="" pageUid="2" action="show" arguments="{id: job.JobId, slug: job.Slug}">{job.Titel}</f:link.action> ({job.JobId})<br>
                    <f:link.action class="" pageUid="2" action="detail" arguments="{xml: job}">NEW {job.Titel}</f:link.action> ({job.JobId})
                <f:variable name="slugid" value="{job.Slug}-{job.JobId}"/>
                <f:link.action class="" pageUid="2" action="detail" arguments="{slugid: slugid}"><f:format.raw>{job.Titel}</f:format.raw></f:link.action> ({job.JobId})


    <f:image src="{job.Grafik}" width="500" alt="Detailstellenbild" />
    <p><strong><f:format.raw>{job.Titel}</f:format.raw></strong> ({job.JobId})</p>
    <p>Region: {job.Region}</p>

    5. Create unique pretty url

        type: Extbase
          - 2
        extension: Wtdisplayxmldata
        plugin: Displayxmldata
            routePath: '/{job-slugid}'
            _controller: 'XmlData::detail'
              job-slugid: slugid
        defaultController: 'XmlData::list'
            type: XmlDetailMapper


    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Routing\Aspect\StaticMappableAspectInterface;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\DebuggerUtility;
    class XmlDetailMapper implements StaticMappableAspectInterface {
         * {@inheritdoc}
        public function generate(string $value): ?string
             return $value !== false ? (string)$value : null;
         * {@inheritdoc}
        public function resolve(string $value): ?string
             return isset($value) ? (string)$value : null;