const videoPlayer = () => {
return (
source={{ uri: "background" }} // Can be a URL or a local file.
ref={(ref) => {
this.player = ref;
}} // Store reference
onBuffer={this.onBuffer} // Callback when remote video is buffering
onError={this.videoError} // Callback when video cannot be loaded
<ModalView modalVisible={setmodalVisible} />
I am using this code and player is working as i want. But the problem is i have a model in this screen and i want to open it on a click when i open it. Video started from from 0 duration not able to get why is this happening. Can anyone know why is this happens on modal open.
You should put the video into the modal, when open to modal you can find the video there.
<Video />
Like that you can use the modal with video.
More information with Modal in react native modal.