I have created my own example off of this React-dnd example to create the drag and drop. I have added a Card which can use onRemove function to remove a card. Even when Im clearing out the state array with all the objects I dont see the removal effect.
My removal function:
const handleRemove = useCallback(
(index, item) => {
// Delete a value if found, all occurrences
update(dustbins, {
items: (dustbins) =>
dustbins && dustbins.filter((arrItem) => arrItem !== item)
if (dustbins && dustbins.includes(item) && index >= 0) {
update(dustbins, { lastDroppedItem: { $splice: [[index, 1]] } });
// Delete at a specific index, no matter what value is in it
// update(dustbins, { lastDroppedItem: { $splice: [[index, 1]] } });
dustbins received in this method are constantly undefined and not sure why though. which basically doesnt run the rest of the statements in this method. What am I doing wrong here?
Another challenge I am facing here is that I can drag and drop an item but this solution creates duplicates. I tried using $splice
function but that doesnt work as Dustbin.jsx uses drop: onDrop,
method to handle drop functionality. How can I remove the duplicates?
And I finally made it work. So I can answer my own question here.
Im using immutabilityHelper
function $set
which is similar to a normal set function.
const indexOf = useCallback(function indexOf(array, item) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
console.log("Arr", array[i]);
if (
array[i].lastDroppedItem &&
array[i].lastDroppedItem.name === item.name
return i;
return -1;
}, []);
const handleRemove = useCallback(
(item) => {
const index = indexOf(dustbins, item);
console.log("LastDroppedItem Index", index);
if (index < 0) return;
update(dustbins, {
[index]: {
lastDroppedItem: {
$set: null
Im first finding an index and then setting a null on lastDroppeditem
on that index
. Hope it helps others. Link to the working source.