I would like to make an http POST request, and include an image as part of the multipart/form-data
. I'd like to avoid encoding this image as base64, and just send it as a binary blob, which I know that http can handle.
Here is my code on the client side:
from __future__ import print_function
import requests
import json
import cv2
def post_encoded_image(url, headers):
img = open("cyrus.jpg", 'rb').read()
payload = {'image': img, 'identity': 'cyrus'}
r = requests.post(url + "encoded-image", data=payload)
url = "http://localhost:8080/"
content_type = 'multipart/form-data'
headers = {'content-type': content_type}
post_encoded_image(url, headers)
On the server side, my code looks like this:
from flask import Flask, request
import flask
import tfsdk
import numpy as np
from colorama import Fore
from colorama import Style
import os
import cv2
@app.route('/encoded-image', methods=['POST'])
def test():
image = request.form.get("image")
nparr = np.fromstring(image, np.uint8)
img = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
return "success"
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I make the request, the server prints the type of img
as NoneType
, meaning the call to imdecode
didn't work, meaning something strange is going on the server side with the encoded image.
What is the proper way to do this?
Edit I was able to achieve the desired functionality by doing the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import requests
import json
import cv2
def post_encoded_image(url, headers):
img = open("cyrus.jpg", 'rb').read()
file = {'image': img}
data = {'identity': 'cyrus'}
r = requests.post(url + "encoded-image", data=data, files=file)
url = "http://localhost:8080/"
content_type = 'multipart/form-data'
headers = {'content-type': content_type}
post_encoded_image(url, headers)
@app.route('/encoded-image', methods=['POST'])
def test():
ID = request.form.get("identity")
image = request.files['image'].read()
nparr = np.fromstring(image, np.uint8)
Is this the proper way of doing it?
I was able to achieve the desired functionality as follows:
from __future__ import print_function
import requests
import json
import cv2
def post_encoded_image(url, headers):
img = open("cyrus.jpg", 'rb').read()
file = {'image': img}
data = {'identity': 'cyrus'}
r = requests.post(url + "encoded-image", data=data, files=file)
url = "http://localhost:8080/"
content_type = 'multipart/form-data'
headers = {'content-type': content_type}
post_encoded_image(url, headers)
@app.route('/encoded-image', methods=['POST'])
def test():
ID = request.form.get("identity")
image = request.files['image'].read()
nparr = np.fromstring(image, np.uint8)