I was working on a Quarkus AWS lambda service that generates some html reports and uploads to S3. After implementation, I found that my lambda tests started failing with 404.
Analysing further, I found that the quarkus-resteasy-qute dependency that I added was the culprit. As soon as I add this dependency to my project, my lambda handler test case starts failing with a 404. My plan was to use qute for some templating of the reports generated by the lambda.
I have replicated the same in a starter project here. I don't have any clue on what exactly in this dependency is causing the failure.
Really appreciate any help or pointers to debug it further.
will NOT work with regular lambda. It would work with quarkus-amazon-lambda-http
(or rest) which spins up an API gateway on AWS though.
Reference: https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/24312