I'm doing a query on datomic using datomic.api like the following:
'[:find [(pull ?a [*]) ...]
:in $ ?title
[?a :movie/title ?title]]
db title)
This query is returning almost the expected value, but as an array, like this:
[ {:db/id 17592186045442, :movie/title "Test", :movie/year 1984, :movie/director #:db{:id 17592186045439 }} ]
I want this query to return only the first match, and not all the results. What I'm doing wrong?
It is documented in the official Datomic documentation:
Find Spec
- :find ?a ?b relation (Collection of Lists)
- :find [?a …] collection (Collection)
- :find [?a ?b] single tuple (List)
- :find ?a . single scalar (Scalar Value)