I use HoloLens 2 as a client and my unity server on my PC. (More discussion about this: How can I read byte array coming from server in UWP app?) I lost my debug await reader1.LoadAsync(256);
. I tried everything to get my stream data but I couldn't. I don't want to const value for the buffer I need the exact stream size for the buffer. I tested this and it works only and only if the buffer size and data stream size is equal. Or you can suggest me other approaches?
// Create the StreamSocket and establish a connection to the server.
using (var streamSocket = new Windows.Networking.Sockets.StreamSocket())
// The server hostname that we will be establishing a connection to.
var hostName = new Windows.Networking.HostName(host);
// client is trying to connect...
await streamSocket.ConnectAsync(hostName, port);
// client connected!
// Read data from the server.
using (Windows.Storage.Streams.IInputStream inputStream = streamSocket.InputStream)
using (var reader1 = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader(inputStream))
reader1.InputStreamOptions = Windows.Storage.Streams.InputStreamOptions.ReadAhead;
reader1.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8;
reader1.ByteOrder = Windows.Storage.Streams.ByteOrder.LittleEndian;
// Should be in stream size !!!
await reader1.LoadAsync(256);
while (reader1.UnconsumedBufferLength > 0)
var bytes1 = new byte[reader1.UnconsumedBufferLength];
// Handle byte array internally!
await reader1.LoadAsync(256);
// close socket
catch (Exception ex)
Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketErrorStatus webErrorStatus = Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketError.GetStatus(ex.GetBaseException().HResult);
Hi Nico sorry for the late update. I tried everything but TCP is nearly impossible for HoloLens with UWP app. So I tried UDP and it works perfectly (https://github.com/mbaytas/HoloLensUDP). I hope Microsoft put a TCP example for HoloLens 1 and 2 in near future.