I am running different versions / revisions of an app on IBM Cloud Code Engine. I split traffic 80/20 between them. I noticed that sometimes the app is responsive as expected, sometimes not.
What could be the reason? How can I investigate?
I worked with the IBM Cloud Code Engine CLI and Knative CLI to investigate it.
First, I retrieved information about the app:
ibmcloud ce app get --name myapp
It showed that two revisions were active (due to split traffic), but not showing details. The YAML output had more information. It showed that one revision had "scale to zero", the other a minimum of one instance active.
ibmcloud ce app get --name myapp --output yaml
I also checked if there was more information available using Knative. First, get the Kubernetes configuration for the project:
ibmcloud ce project select --name myproject --kubecfg
Then, list the revisions, again as YAML output:
kn revision list --output yaml
This part of the revision metadata shows the minScale as zero, causing a (cold) start and hence the delay.
autoscaling.knative.dev/maxScale: "2"
autoscaling.knative.dev/minScale: "0"