I am trying to do an unit test for an android app and I need to get a string from res.string resources. The class that I want to test is a POJO class. I am doing the app in two languages, due to this, I need to get a string from resource. The problem is that I cannot get the context or the activity, is possible? I know that with Instrumentation test I can do it, but I need to test some functions (white box test) before to do the instrumentation test (black box test). This is the function that I have to test:
public void setDiaByText(String textView) {
if (textView.contains(context.getResources().getString(R.string.sInicialLunes))) {
getIsSelectedArray()[0] = true;
getI_idiaSeleccionado()[0] =1;
} else
getIsSelectedArray()[0] = false;
getI_idiaSeleccionado()[0] =0;
And this is the test:
public void setDiaByTextView() {
String texto = "L,M,X,J,V,S,D";
assertEquals(alertaPOJO.getIsSelectedArray()[0], true);
assertEquals(alertaPOJO.getI_idiaSeleccionado()[0], 1);
It crash when try to do context.getResources().getString(R.string.sInicialLunes))
If I put 'Mon' instead of context.getResources().getString(R.string.sInicialLunes))
or 'L' it work perfectly so, is possible to get the context or the activity in order to access to resource folder?
I am testing with Mockito and the setUp function is:
public void setUp() throws Exception {
mContext = Mockito.mock(Alerta.class);
alertaPOJO = new AlertaPOJO();
If you use MockK it's the same.
class YourClassUnitTest : TestCase() {
private lateinit var resources: Resources
public override fun setUp() {
fun test() {
every {
resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.age, YEARS, YEARS)
} returns AGE
every {
} returns TITLE
// Assume you test this method that returns data class
// (fields are calculated with getQuantityString and getString)
val data = getData(YEARS, SURNAME)
assertEquals(AGE, data.age)
assertEquals(TITLE, data.title)
companion object {
const val YEARS = 10
const val AGE = "$YEARS years"
const val SURNAME = "Johns"
const val TITLE = "Mr. $SURNAME"
See also Skip a parameter in MockK unit test, Kotlin to get a result of string resources for any data.