i am trying to extract certain elements from the below array of objects called atstudentsarray and create a new array with objects. I have used the below map function but i can not get it to work.
var newAtStudentArray = atstudentsarray.map(i => {
const newAtStudentObj = {}
newAtStudentObj.last_name = i['records'].fields['Last Name']
Below is an array called atstudentsarray
"records": [
"id": "rec02fiiNA",
"createdTime": "2020-04-21T05:06:07.000Z",
"fields": {
"Last Name": "Lat",
"Gender": "Male",
"E-mail Address": "alath@bbc.lk",
"Grade": "DP 2",
"parent_id_2": [
"id": "rec02fiiNA",
"createdTime": "2020-04-21T05:06:07.000Z",
"fields": {
"Last Name": "Lat",
"Gender": "Male",
"E-mail Address": "alath@bbc.lk",
"Grade": "DP 2",
"parent_id_2": [
Your can try it like this:
var newAtStudentArray = atstudentsarray[0].records.map(i => ({
last_name: i.fields['Last Name']
The reason why it didn't work for you is because atstudentsarray
is not the array you should be doing map on but on records array.