I have a hard time trying to document the following:
"virtualFaxPermissions" : {
I have tried to put a reference of the same map I used to construct the object but it didn't help:
final Map<VirtualFaxMachineId, Set<VirtualFaxMachinePermission>> virtualFaxPermissionsSetMap = new HashMap<>();
virtualFaxPermissionsSetMap.put(VirtualFaxMachineId.valueOf(SOME_RANDOM_UUID), Set.of(SOME_SPECIFIC_PERMISSION));
Error i get is that the part above is not documented in the payload.
org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.SnippetException: The following parts of the payload were not documented:
"virtualFaxPermissions" : {
at org.springframework.restdocs.payload.AbstractFieldsSnippet.validateFieldDocumentation(AbstractFieldsSnippet.java:218)
I have tried to document using a wildcard for the UUDI, but that didn't help either
Thanks for any pointers
as per: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-restdocs/issues/793
did the trick