My node app will crash when i send req for update the field value in my mongo db. The data will updated successfully, But The message will no show which is i provided in (
(err) => {
if (err) {
error: "There was an error in server side!",
} else {
message: "value updated successfully!",
Instead of showing above message. the mongo sent me (const err = new MongooseError('Query was already executed: ' + str);). this message and more :
MongooseError: Query was already executed: Todo.updateOne({ _id: new ObjectId("6243ed2b5e0bdc9ab780b4d9...
But I use each and every time different id and update with differen message. when i check in db is that the old value updated or not, but nicely the old value updated. but no message or any thing i can't see in postman resposnse.Also in my console the mongodb throw me above error.
What ever happened I want to see my predefined err messages or successfully messages.
Finally, I got and understood the answer. Actually, I am a beginner programmer and developer that's why I made this problem and it took a lot of time to solve. I solved the problem within 3-5 minutes by removing async/await
but I took a lot of time to dig out why it's working after removing async/await. Here is a basic concept of asynchronous programming if we use async/await
we don't have to use callback again, Or if we use callback we don't need async/await Because it's just redundant. So, if we want to get data like we are getting from
callback(err,data) =>{
then we just assigned our full thing in a variable like:
const data=await (our code);