I have used a Digital elevation model, to create a 3D model of a terrain using Mayavi mlab. My next task, is to be able to get coordinates of any point that I click on the 3D model. Once I get the coordinates, I will map them to the image coordinates and get the required data. But currently, I'm unsure of how to click and get coordinates of a point in the first place. I have done this on 2D graphs/images in matplotlib. But I'm new to Mayavi. Please help.
Attach mouse_picker to your surface, and use picker_function function to get point coordinates.
my3DSurface= mlab.figure(size=(width,height), bgcolor=(0.45,0.45,0.45))
def picker_function(picker_obj):
global x_pt, y_pt, maxx, miny,minx, maxy
point2d = picker_obj.point_id
demX_pt = np.floor((maxx - minx) / cell_size_x) +1
demY_pt = np.floor((maxy - miny) / cell_size_y)
md = point2d%demY_pt
x_pt = md
md = point2d-md
y_pt = md/demY_pt
return point2d
Where: minx = Minimum Longitude value in DEM
maxx = Maximum Longitude value in DEM
miny = Minimum Latitude value in DEM
maxy = Maximum Latitude value in DEM
cell_size_x = DEM resolution in direction of X axis
cell_size_y = DEM resolution in direction of Y axis