I have to pass an argument to the method, but it is not required. If it is given, is should only be accepted as a BaseModel class. Any idea how to do it?
Definition of the method:
def create_upr(args: Args, extra_args: ExtraArgs):
Definition of the class:
class ExtraArgs(BaseModel):
polynomials: List[PolynomialInput]
one_cutoffs: List[OneCutoffInput]
two_cutoffs: List[TwoCutoffsInput]
three_cutoffs: List[ThreeCutoffsInput]
grouping_parameters: Dict[Set[str]] #grouping values in parameters to group by
class Args(BaseModel):
gwp: float
cover_start_date: datetime.date
cover_end_date: datetime.date
calculation_date: datetime.date
calculation_method: CalculationMethod
You need to verify/check if the given argument an instance of BaseModel, you can use isinstance method.
then you can raise an error for example or return with a specif value from that function
There is an example with your function:
def create_upr(args: Args, extra_args: ExtraArgs):
if extra_args and not isinstance(extra_args, ExtraArgs):
raise TypeError("extra_args must be of type ExtraArgs")