
How can I access context property (incoming file name) in transformation (custom xslt)?

Many historical posts about BizTalk Context Accessor (CodePlex), but all links are broken. Is there a state-of-the-art context accessor functoid / component to be used today? Or, is there any other way like creating helper class or something like it?

My aim is to add file name (without path) into the destination message in a map using Custom XSLT. No existing orchestration, only picking up a file and running a map to transform message from source to destination format (that requires source file name added to it...).


  • I solved my problem (this time) using an orchestration where I can access the context of the incoming message easily, and after mapping, inject/update the outgoing message with the file name.

    I had one additional problem to solve that helped me accept using orchestration as solution this time. Two flies in one stroke.

    (Problem was - note to self - I wanted to reuse destination schema in another debatching scenario, i.e. it was a envelope schema. Funny thing, BizTalk was not able to resolve body content schema if map was run in receive port. However, running map inside an orchestration, it was able to resolve the body content schema and mapping to envelope schema as destination worked.)