When I use font-weight bold jspdf makes the text lose spaces. See before and after pic below taken from the generated pdf.
The code of jsPDF is below.
html inside typescript:
<table style="width: 1100px; background: #5ba8da;padding:10px;"> <tbody>
<tr><td>Project Name: ${row.project} </td> </tr>
let doc = new jsPDF('l', 'pt', 'a3');
doc.html(this.template.body.summary(row), {
x: 50, y: 65,
callback: (doc) => {
this.pdfSrc = doc.output("blob");
this.busy = false;
After debugging all components and libraries, I found that th, td
style was applied to a component that affected the style in pdf output. To solve the issue, I added the class of the other table so that it does not affect the pdf output css.