I have the following script that takes data from my Sheet and updates records via a POST API call; however there is a limit of 100 calls at a time so I'm looking for a way to add that to my script if possible. I also need to ensure that the header row (row1) is sent. So essentially the first loop is rows 1-101, second loop is row 1 and rows 102-201 etc. Not even sure this is possible
function updateManyUsers() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var [headers, ...rows] = sheet.getDataRange().getDisplayValues();
var users = rows.map(r => {
var temp = {};
headers.forEach((h, j) => {
if (r[j] != "") temp[h] = r[j];
return temp;
var url = 'https://redaccted.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/update_many.json';
var user = 'morris.coyle@redacted_still/token';
var pwd = 'Every_redacted';
var options = {
'method': 'PUT',
'headers': {
'Authorization': "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(user + ':' + pwd)
'payload': JSON.stringify({ users }),
'contentType': 'application/json',
'muteHttpExceptions': true
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
Thanks in advance.
I have created a simple example of how to slice 100 rows from the data.
I have a simple data set of Header plut 256 rows of data. See screen shot.
Screen shots
function updateManyUsers() {
try {
let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let sheet = spread.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
let values = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
console.log("rows = "+values.length);
let headers = values.shift();
let i = 0;
let numUsers = 100;
let j = numUsers;
while( i < values.length ) {
if( j < values.length ) {
var users = [].concat(headers,values.slice(i,j));
else {
var users = [].concat(headers,values.slice(i));
console.log("header = "+users[0][0]);
console.log("users[1] = "+users[1][0]);
console.log("users[99] = "+users[users.length-1][0]);
i = i+numUsers;
j = j+numUsers;
// Now build your opsions
catch(err) {
1:18:04 PM Notice Execution started
1:18:05 PM Info rows = 257
1:18:05 PM Info header = Header
1:18:05 PM Info users[1] = 1
1:18:05 PM Info users[99] = 100
1:18:05 PM Info header = Header
1:18:05 PM Info users[1] = 101
1:18:05 PM Info users[99] = 200
1:18:05 PM Info header = Header
1:18:05 PM Info users[1] = 201
1:18:05 PM Info users[99] = 256
1:18:05 PM Notice Execution completed