Using the mobility
gem for i18n, the process of importing data from CSV for jsonb
data is not succeeding.
Whereas, one generally imports
name_en: row[2],
name_fr: row[3],
for the local-driven values in a key_value backend, with a postgresql backend the column has to be populated with hash, with the key and value.
However, the syntax is incorrect
name: { 'en' = row[2], 'fr' = row[2]}
leads to error
syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '.' or &. or :: or '['
and name: { 'en': row[2], 'fr': row[2]}
seems syntaxtically correct, but yields
Error importing row because 'No plugin configured for these keys: type.'
note this occurs with any of the following definitions in config/initializers/mobility.rb`
backend :jsonb
backend :jsonb, type: :json
backend :jsonb, type: :string
Managed to set it up. It's actually straightforward, mobility's docs on github make it more confusing than it is.
Set up your migrations with jsonb
columns for each attribute, it's recommended to set default as well default: {}
# db/migrate/20220402201700_create_articles.rb
class CreateArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
create_table :articles do |t|
t.jsonb :title, default: {}
Model set up is unchanged
# app/models/article.rb
class Article < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :title
To set up locale accessors, locale_accessors
plugin must be enabled.
# config/initializers/mobility.rb
Mobility.configure do
plugins do
backend :jsonb
locale_accessors # enable locale accessors, like 'name_en'
# ...
Import transaltions
Article.create(title_en: 'Importing via csv data in jsonb format',
title_fr: 'Importation via des données csv au format jsonb')
# # => "Importation via des ..."
# this doesn't work, as far as I can tell
# it'll wrap the entire hash in `en` locale
Article.create(title: { en: '', fr: ''} )
For other ways to save translations:
mobility v1.2.6
rails v7.0.2.3
ruby v3.1.1