I am trying to transfer the content or a publicly available url on a GCS bucket.
For that, I use the Google Cloud Storage Transfer api, and it requires me to perform two steps:
To launch the script, I use a service account that has Storage Object Admin permission on both the bucket containing the transfer.tsv file as well as the sink bucket.
I can only seem to make it work when the transfer.tsv file is uploaded to a bucket that is open on the internet.
Do you know if it is possible to put is on a secured bucket, and to give permission to the service account that creates the transfer ?
So far, all my tries yielded the following error.
Received HTTP error code 403.
python script
from google.cloud import storage_transfer
from datetime import datetime
def create_one_time_http_transfer(
project_id: str,
description: str,
list_url: str,
sink_bucket: str,
"""Creates a one-time transfer job from Amazon S3 to Google Cloud
client = storage_transfer.StorageTransferServiceClient()
# the same time creates a one-time transfer
one_time_schedule = {"day": now.day, "month": now.month, "year": now.year}
transfer_job_request = storage_transfer.CreateTransferJobRequest(
"transfer_job": {
"project_id": project_id,
"description": description,
"status": storage_transfer.TransferJob.Status.ENABLED,
"schedule": {
"schedule_start_date": one_time_schedule,
"schedule_end_date": one_time_schedule,
"transfer_spec": {
"http_data_source": storage_transfer.HttpData(list_url=list_url),
"gcs_data_sink": {
"bucket_name": sink_bucket,
result = client.create_transfer_job(transfer_job_request)
print(f"Created transferJob: {result.name}")
And I call the function
description="first transfer",
Found a way to make it work.
When I uploaded the transfer.tsv file to the storage, I return the signed url instead of the public url
from datetime import datetime
from google.cloud import storage
def upload_to_storage(
file_input_path: str, file_output_path: str, bucket_name: str
) -> str:
gcs = storage.Client()
# # Get the bucket that the file will be uploaded to.
bucket = gcs.get_bucket(bucket_name)
# # Create a new blob and upload the file's content.
blob = bucket.blob(file_output_path)
return blob.generate_signed_url(datetime.now())
This signed url is then passed on to the create_one_time_http_transfer mentioned above.