
How do I determine if a directory is part of a Subversion working copy?

I have a script that copies some files into a project. Such a project is usually a Subversion working copy, but not always. If it is a working copy, I want to add the files to Subversion automatically. But how do I know that the directory is part of a Subversion working copy? So far I checked for a .svn sub-folder, but that doesn't work with Subversion 1.7. I just need to know if svn add files... will work, no other data needs to be extracted.


  • You can use the svn info property and then pipe to just get the url as follows:

    svn info -R | FIND "URL:" >urlText

    then load this output into another variable and you could work with it like:

    set /p urlRepo= <urlText
    del urlText