Hello I am new to react native and particullary react navigation. I am stuck on one easy thing, use the tab navigator and the stack navigator at the same time. I am able to use one at a time but not both at the same time. I didn't fully understood the react navigation doc. Here is what I am doing :
My navigation file : at first my stack Navigator :
const Stack = createStackNavigator()
export default function MyStack() {
return (
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{headerShown: false}}>
<Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={Profile}/>
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={Home}/>
<Stack.Screen name="MachinesList" component={MachinesList}/>
<Stack.Screen name="Size" component={Size}/>
<Stack.Screen name="Weight" component={Weight}/>
and then my tab navigator :
const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator()
export function TabNavigator(){
<Tab.Screen name='Profile' component={Profile}/>
<Tab.Screen name='Home' component={Home}/>
<Tab.Screen name='MachinesList' component={MachinesList}/>
And here is how I try to put my navigation in my App.js :
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<MyStack />
You need to add your TabNavigator as a Stack.Screen within Stack.Navigator.
const Stack = createStackNavigator()
export default function MyStack() {
return (
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{headerShown: false}}>
<Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={TabNavigator}/>
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={Home}/>
<Stack.Screen name="MachinesList" component={MachinesList}/>
<Stack.Screen name="Size" component={Size}/>
<Stack.Screen name="Weight" component={Weight}/>
You can see now that Profile Stack.Screen is using TabNavigator.