I'm using nodejs with typescript, typeorm and inversify to manage dependency injection and inversify express utils to handle controllers, when I send a response inside then or catch block only returns a 204 no content response, but if I send the response out of the promise it works, someone who has worked with inversify know what could be happening?
User Controller:
export class UserController implements interfaces.Controller {
constructor(@inject(TYPES.UserService) private _userService: IUserService) {}
public GetAll(@request() req: Request, @response() res: Response) {
.then((users) => res.send(users))
.catch((error) => res.send(error));
User Service:
export class UserService implements IUserService {
private readonly _userRepository: IUserRepository;
constructor(@inject(TYPES.UserRepository) userRepository: IUserRepository) {
this._userRepository = userRepository;
public GetAll(): Promise<Array<User>> {
return this._userRepository.GetAll();
User repository:
export class UserRepository implements IUserRepository {
public GetAll(): Promise<Array<User>> {
const userRepository = getRepository(User);
return userRepository.find();
Container and server config:
export abstract class ServerConfig {
protected app: Application;
constructor() {
private Config(): void {
const container = new Container();
const server = new InversifyExpressServer(container);
server.setConfig((app) => {
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.set("port", process.env.PORT || 8000);
this.app = server.build();
public Start(): void {
this.app.listen(this.app.get("port"), () => {
console.log(`Server on port ${this.app.get("port")}`);
you need to return the promise or just await the response from the service. Something like this:
export class UserController implements interfaces.Controller {
constructor(@inject(TYPES.UserService) private _userService: IUserService) {}
public async GetAll(@request() req: Request, @response() res: Response): Response {
try {
const users = await this._userService.GetAll();
return res.status(200).json(users);
} catch(error) {
return res.status(500).json(error)