I am working on a QT application that has to communicate with a few Windows-utilities.
The result of these utilities are a couple of “production-files” that should be listed in a “filenames-txt-file” for further use.
The production of such a “filenames-txt-file” with the list of “production-files” is done with QT using QFileInfo.
Sometimes an old “filenames-txt-file” already exists in the working-directory and should be removed before it can be created with the new results.
Here is the problem:
QFile::remove("somefile") does not work while debugging.
It works fine, when I run the Exe in the debug-folder outside MSVS,
and it works fine running the release version.
While debugging, I get this messages:
if (QFile::exists(filenameFull)) {
QFile f (filenameFull);
qDebug() << f.remove(filenameFull); // returns false
qDebug() << f.errorString(); // returns “unknown error”
I elevated Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 to run as administrator.
I did set the UAC execution level to “highestAvailable”.
Is anything else needed to make this code working while debugging?
Solved thanks to @hyde.
The issue was indeed that filenameFull
was opened all the time.
Not in the code itself, but in the Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Command Arguments
It was hanging there from an earlier stage in the coding process.
It explains as well why running the EXE outside the debugging-process was running fine.
Lesson: keep my coding steps clear at all times....
Thanks for getting me back on track.