
How to convert a cumulative total over time values into actual daily values in Tableau?

I am working on a cumulative dataset and I need to convert cumulative values to daily values of the same column. I did it with creating a calculated field, but, the first row's value is missed. Because there is no previous row for the first row. I need to write the code in a way that lets the first row by it's own value. my Code is this :

ZN(SUM([Total Ground Weapons])) - LOOKUP(ZN(SUM([Total Ground Weapons])), -1)


  • Samkart is broadly leaning in the correct direction, though I'd probably go with a logic statement that utilises Index() rather than First()

    First(), Last() and Index() are all row sequencers:

    So for your calculation I'd test:

    If Index() = 1 Then Sum(0)
    Else Zn(Sum([Total Ground Weapons])) - Lookup(Zn(Sum([Total Ground Weapons])), -1)

    This way, you'll be able to define a value for the first entry in your set.
