I have a problem with the Cloud DB
Message:{"defaultName":"AGCError","name":"database-server","errorCode":{"code":"2052","message":"the input object is invalid."}}
I don't know what could be the reason ?
As per the Huawei Documentation, The error code 2052, it is described as “invalid input object”. So please check your input value or object
Below might be the causes. Please check:
Check any field longer input values which you declared as string. Because string data type field maximum value range is 200 character only. If the string contains more than 200 characters, you are advised to use the Text type. Refer - https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/AppGallery-connect-Guides/agc-clouddb-data-type-0000001080815898#EN-US_TOPIC_0000001176121166__en-us_topic_0000001127251477_table2376546172218
Check the date field format. Because the date format should be (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss sss) like below