
Is there any limit for maximum number of TCP connections that can be made from a container to RabbitMQ

I am new in rabbitmq, So i am facing a in rabbitmq like "The connection cannot support anymore channels.Consider creating a new connection". So my doubt is can we create multiple tcp connections to rabbitmq from a single docker conatiner? Is there any limit for maximum number of TCP connections that can be made from a container? Please help

I tried to find out from doc but I didn't get a proper answer.


  • can we create multiple tcp connections to rabbitmq from a single docker container?

    yes you can.

    Is there any limit for maximum number of TCP connections that can be made from a container?

    There is no hard-coded limit. It depends on number of CPUs/Memory etc... RabbitMQ is not different from other kinds of services.

    We have a production checklist with some best

    The connection cannot support anymore channels.Consider creating a new connection".

    Adding too many channels inside one single connection is not recommended. There is no limit but hundreds of channels is not a good value.