I try to use Divider and Card control from the uno.toolkit.ui package:
<utu:Divider SubHeader="Uno.Material Controls:"
Style="{StaticResource MaterialDividerStyle}" />
<utu:Card HeaderContent="Header Outlined card With supporting text"
SubHeaderContent="With supporting text"
SupportingContent="This is the supporting text"
Style="{StaticResource MaterialOutlinedCardStyle}" />
when I run the sample, I get a lot of messages like:
warn: Uno.UI.ResourceResolver[0]
Couldn't statically resolve resource MaterialOutlinedCardContentControlStyle
warn: Uno.UI.ResourceResolver[0]
Couldn't statically resolve resource MaterialDividerStyle
warn: Uno.UI.ResourceResolver[0]
and the Controls are not displayed. Using the TabBar - Control from the Toolkit works.
Any idea what is going wrong?
Make sure to follow instructions as described in the README
page on the uno.toolkit.ui repo...
Since the reference to the missing style (MaterialDividerStyle
for the <Divider>
control) is defined in the MaterialToolkitResources
dictionary, you need to add a reference to it in your App.xaml
file, like that:
<!-- App.xaml: -->
<!-- Load Uno.UI.Toolkit resources -->
<ToolkitResources xmlns="using:Uno.Toolkit.UI" />
<!-- Load Material resources -->
<MaterialColors xmlns="using:Uno.Material" />
<MaterialResources xmlns="using:Uno.Material" />
<!-- Load Material Toolkit resources -->
<MaterialToolkitResources xmlns="using:Uno.Toolkit.UI.Material" />