I'm looking at some old code and I'm trying to re-write it however I encountered a problem.
This is the old code that works perfectly fine:
public Page<SearchResult> search(String text, int pageNumber) {
PageRequest request = PageRequest.of(pageNumber-1, itemsPerPage);
Page<Profile> results = profileDao.findByInterestsNameContainingIgnoreCase(text, request);
Converter<Profile, SearchResult> converter = new Converter<Profile, SearchResult>() {
public SearchResult convert(Profile profile) {
return new SearchResult(profile);
return results.map(converter);
But I'm using Spring Data 2, where the Page map method takes a Function instead of a Converter so I don't know how to re-write this.
I read this topic: How to map Page<ObjectEntity> to Page<ObjectDTO> in spring-data-rest but I failed to convert Page<Profile>
into Page<SearchResult>
because I still don't fully understand this Function concept.
Could someone translate code snippet from above using Spring Data 2 method (Function instead of a Converter)?
Based on your example I would implement the map function as follows:
Page<SearchResult> searchResultPage = results.map(profile -> new SearchResult(profile));
If you are interested in a short introduction to lambda expressions and functional interfaces I recommend checking out the following summary: https://www.baeldung.com/java-8-lambda-expressions-tips