I'm trying to copy 2 files at once, a video file and an image file with the same name using if(isset($_GET['video']))
but I can't seem to get it right.
I can copy the video but my attempt to copy the thumbnail image fail.
From the other PHP file I'm sending this for example videos.php?video=data/videos/16440311.mp4
To the receiver to copy both video and thumbnail image to another location.
$file = $_GET['video'];
$thumb = basename($file, '.mp4');
shell_exec("sudo cp ".urldecode($_GET['video'])." /var/www/html/led/autoplayv/");
shell_exec("sudo cp ".urldecode($thumb).".jpg /var/www/html/led/autoplayv/");
But when I check the folder all I see is the video.
You are closer than you think). The image is not copied due to the fact that you do not pass the full path, but only the name:
$file = 'data/videos/16440311.mp4';
$thumb = basename($file, '.mp4'); // <-- This function will only return the filename, because of this the error
If the picture is on the same path as the video, then you will have to do this:
$thumb = str_replace('.mp4','.jpg',$file);// <-- This return full path data/videos/16440311.jpg
shell_exec("sudo cp {$thumb} /var/www/html/led/autoplayv/");