
Create a dictionary with multiple keys and store multiple values to it

I have a grid that has x and y coordinates. Now for each grid point I would like to assign multiple values(everything works in loop)

Suppose coordinates of x vary from 0 to 10 and y from 0 to 10(Increment of 1) and I have three values which I will read from file and assign it to specific keys.

I wanted to use dictionary for my issue and since keys are iterating variable i know that using tuples is an option so wanted to know how to proceed.

So keys and values of dictionary would look like below









(4,1).. .





  • You can create the dictionary by using two nested for loops and assign correct data for each coordinate. Something like this:

    from pprint import pprint
    result = {}
    for x in range(11):
        for y in range(11):
            # Here you need to assign correct data for each coordinate
            result[x, y] = (1, 1, 1)