
ServiceStack Ormlite using Select with NoLock

I have the following simple OrmLite select statement:

SpiderUser lSpiderUser = db.Select<SpiderUser>(
    su => su.WindowsUserName == vWindowsUserName).SingleOrDefault();

(The variable 'db' is of type IDbConnection).

I would like this query to run using NoLock. Ormlite from version 5.7 has 'SqlServerTableHint.NoLock', but I do not understand how to include this hint in the above query.

Please help...


  • OrmLite's SqlServerTableHint are only for table joins.

    You can customize the generated SQL using a Typed SqlExpression, e.g:

    var q = db.From<SpiderUser>()
        .Where(su => su.WindowsUserName == vWindowsUserName)
        .WithSqlFilter(sql => $"{sql} WITH (NOLOCK)");
    var lSpiderUser = db.Single(q);