
mysql - how to join with dynamin column in table

I have three tables like the following:

calls_list (table)

id line rel_type rel_id
1 3 user 2
2 10 lead 1

users (table)

id name phone
1 mehran 99999
2 reza 222222

leads (table)

id title status
1 lead_1 confirmed
2 lead_2 pending

I want to say on the calls_list table when select If the rel_type column is equal to the lead value, join the lead table But if the rel_type column is equal to the user value, join the users table

my query is :

SELECT * FROM calls_list as calls LEFT OUTER JOIN users as users ON = calls.rel_id LEFT OUTER JOIN lead as lead ON = calls.rel_id

but not working

Is this possible? Can you help me


  • You need to restrict each join to only those of the right type:

    SELECT * 
    FROM calls_list AS c 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS u 
      ON = c.rel_id AND c.rel_type = 'user'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN lead AS l 
      ON = c.rel_id AND c.rel_type = 'lead'