
How to get the json representation of the ElasticSearch query/request that was built with Java API Client (7.16)?

A new Java API Client was released in the 7.16 version of ES and the Java Rest Client was deprecated. There was the ability to convert a query to JSON in the deprecated client. It was convenient for debugging/tuning/profiling of the query in Kibana.

Unfortunately, I don't see any mention of this in the new client documentation. So my question is:

Is it possible to get a JSON representation of the query that was constructed via the Java API Client? It can be either some utility class or log config of the client that prints outgoing requests.


  • It looks like this feature will be directly supported in an upcoming version:

    In the meantime, there is a workaround given in the above discussion, but it does not quite work. Here is a snippet that works for me:

    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    JsonGenerator generator = JacksonJsonProvider.provider().createGenerator(writer);
    request.serialize(generator, new JacksonJsonpMapper());
    return writer.toString();