What I want to achieve is that once a web page is loaded, find some text in it and highlight the text. My code what I've written till now is as follows.
First I match the textContent
using a regular expression
(Why am I using this approach is because I don't have the ID or name for the div
where the textContent
is present, thus, I cant go for getElementsByName()
or getElementById()
). To check if the text exists, I first compare it's length and then proceed to highlight it.
The text I find is at index 0 of the text
variable. I cant access backgroundColor()
method that is why it's been commented out for now. I could access fontcolor()
but even it didn't seem to work.
I am new to JS so some direction would be greatly appreciated.
doesn't work even though I can access it.backgroundColor()
.(function highlightText(){
let text = document.body.textContent.match(/abcxyz/);
if (text[0].length == 6)
console.log(text[0]); //prints abcxyz
return text[0];
return null;
SOLUTION: The approach based off on the solution provided by @forlen:
What I did was loop through all the nodes, if the textContent
matches the regular expression then push them into an array and as I knew what I wanted was the root element so I got the last element of the array and changed its backgroundColor
(function highlightText() {
let allNodes = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*");
var arr= [];
for (let node of allNodes) {
if (node.textContent.match(/abcxyz/)) {
text = arr[(arr.length)-2];
text.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
I recommend looping through all nodes in body and changing style like this:
(function highlightText() {
let allNodes = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (let node of allNodes) {
if (node.textContent === "abcxyz") {
node.style.color = "yellow";