
SpringBoot Could not autowire. No beans of 'UserMapper' type found error for Mapstruct Mappers

This is my User class.

@Table(name = "user_table")
public class User {

private Long id;
private String userName;
private String password;

This is my UserDto, I know the fields name are same. But I'm trying to understand the concept.

public class UserDto {

private Long id;
private String userName;
private String password;

I wanted to use MapStruct for to Entity-Dto and Dto-Entity convertions. So I've wrote a base interface like EntityMapper.

public interface EntityMapper<D, E> {

E toEntity(D dto);

D toDto(E entity);

List<E> toEntity(List<D> dtoList);

List<D> toDto(List<E> entityList);


Then I created a new Interface which is extends EntityMapper .

@Mapper(componentModel = "spring", uses = UserService.class)

public interface UserMapper extends EntityMapper<UserDto , User> {

@Mapping(source = "id", target = "id")
@Mapping(source = "userName", target = "userName")
@Mapping(source = "password", target = "password")
User toEntity(UserDto dto);

UserDto toDto(User entity);

List<User> toEntity(List<UserDto> dtoList);

List<UserDto> toDto(List<User> entityList);

This my controller

public class UserController {

private final UserService userService;

public UserController(UserService userService) {
    this.userService = userService;

public ResponseEntity<UserDto> saveUser(@RequestBody UserDto userDto){

    UserDto res = userService.saveUser(userDto);
    return ResponseEntity.ok(res);

And finally when I try to create a new service class and use a reference from UserMapper interface. The spring tells me

Could not autowire. No beans of 'UserMapper' type found.

for this line

   private final UserMapper userMapper;

And this is my whole Service Class. When I delete the @Service annotation the error is fixing. But this is a service class so I have to put @Service annotation I think.

I've tried to add @Component annotation to UserMapper. But application failed to start.

public class UserService {

private final UserRepository userRepository;
private final UserMapper userMapper;

public UserService(UserRepository userRepository, UserMapper userMapper) {
    this.userRepository = userRepository;
    this.userMapper = userMapper;

public UserDto saveUser(UserDto userDto){

    User user = userMapper.toEntity(userDto);
    user =;
    UserDto res = userMapper.toDto(user);
    return res;


Here is the pom.xml.

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <project xmlns="" 
    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->


    <!-- -->



I just added to this dependency for mapstruct. If is there a different dependencies that I have to add, I did'nt know.

<!-- -- 


  • An annotation processor must be added to the compiler plugin in order to generate an implementation for UserMapper interface.


    Also I don't think can remove uses = UserService.class, considering that UserService is not a Mapper. Here is the official documentation of uses annotation parameter:

    Other mapper types used by this mapper. May be hand-written classes or other mappers generated by MapStruct. No cycle between generated mapper classes must be created.