
The base module should not have the 'split' attribute set in the AndroidManifest.xml

I want to generate bundle for my project which includes three dynamic features , and this error occured while generating bundle. also there is no 'split' attribute in my whole porject manifest anywhere , and the project is run on debug mode, successfully. but generating bundle not working.

any suggestion is welcome.

enter image description here


  • after 3 hours searching and finding Nothing , I decided to see that when exactly this log is generated by google inside building process of bundle. and I found out that it is creating the module with name base which will be used to merge all feature modules. and also I Myself have one feature module in my project with the name of base, I wondered if there will be any conflict with this name that occurs this issue . so I refactored and renamed my own base module to baseCore and TADA ! everything works well . finally I must say , Hey google fu.. you and your developers with your bullsh..t system which always waste our times because of ridiculous problems and cock&bull story generated logs and hints.