
How can I avoid "not in ecosystem" errors thrown by comma IDE?

I have a test file in my module's t/ directory that does a use on a TestUtils files which has some variables and routines:

use Test;
use TestUtils;

plan 4;
check_cmd_output('No arguments');
check_cmd_output('Successfully ingested', test_md_file);
check_cmd_output('Successfully ingested', test_md_file, 1);
check_cmd_output('Successfully ingested', vimwiki_arg_sim());

It works fine. However, Comma was complaining about TestUtils not being found "in the ecosystem" as well as throwing errors with identifiers from the TestUtils module that it was not loading:

enter image description here

I was able to stop Comma from complaining by:

  1. Exporting the identifiers in the TestUtils file
  2. Fully qualifying the identifiers in my test file with something like: TestUtils::check_cmd_output(...)
  3. Adding TestUtils to the provides hash in the META6.json file.

I'm thinking there is probably a better way. I tried doing stuff like use lib 't' and use lib '.' but that did not help. Thanks.


  • Comma doesn't handle this situation perfectly; it understands (following the IntelliJ platform naming conventions):

    These are, however, mutually exclusive. If the TestUtils module were to be placed in a lib directory inside of t, then that lib directory could be marked as a source root, and the symbols should be resolved.