
Use compiled Groovy scripts with GMavenPlus plugin

I'm trying to use the GMavenPlus Plugin to run some Groovy scripts from Maven which have been compiled and packaged into a jar.

The script is something very simple:


import groovy.transform.Field

private static final String JAVA_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME = 'java.version'
private static final String MAVEN_COMPILER_RELEASE_PROPERTY_NAME = 'maven.compiler.release'

def javaVersion =[JAVA_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME]?.trim()
if(javaVersion?.isInteger() && javaVersion.toInteger() >= 9) {[MAVEN_COMPILER_RELEASE_PROPERTY_NAME] = javaVersion

which then I invoke with:


According to the documentation, the project variable should be by default available and it's indeed true if I define the script inline instead of picking it from the jar. Do I've a way to pass such object through?


  • I didn't find a solution for the problem, but I found (kind of) a workaround for it. That is to package the Groovy sources as jar, publish them and then make Maven download them (with the maven-dependency-plugin) and let the gmavenplus-plugin invoke such sources.

    Not the nicest solution, but it works :)