
Printing directly to a Zebra/Swecoin TTP2030 receipt printer in Ubuntu

I have a Swecoin/Zebra TTP2030 USB-LPT receipt printer that I am using on Ubuntu. I'd like to use it like a normal printer, which Zebra says is possible under Windows. Anyone know anyway to do this under Ubuntu? I've tried a few printer drivers, and I just get reams and reams of the printer code printed out. Anyone have any insight on getting this thing running like a normal printer?

I already have it communicating via the ttputil: http://www.rainbow-software.org/linux/


  • Ok, I found it, and the good news is that these printers have been added to CUPS 1.5, so it should "just work" on new systems. But I'm on Ubuntu/lucid, so I did it like this:

    1. downloaded zebraCupsDrivers_v2.zip from http://www.cups.org/str.php?L3767
    2. installed via gnome system-config-printer-applet
    3. used ttp20x0.ppd in ppd/ from zebraCupsDrivers_v2.zip
    4. built rastertozebrakiosk in filters from zebraCupsDrivers_v2.zip by doing:
      1. apt-get install libcups2-dev libcupsimage2-dev
      2. gcc -o rastertozebrakiosk rastertozebrakiosk.c -lcups -lcupsimage
      3. cp rastertozebrakiosk /usr/lib/cups/filter/