I want to use the dark theme g90 in Carbon design system. I can get the default white theme by importing these:
<style lang="scss" global>
@use "@carbon/themes";
@include themes.set(themes.$g90);
@import 'carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/_css--reset.scss';
@import 'carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/_css--font-face.scss';
@import 'carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/_css--helpers.scss';
@import 'carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/_css--body.scss';
@import 'carbon-components/scss/globals/grid/_grid.scss';
@import 'carbon-components/scss/components/button/button';
However, i get a error when compiling.
[!] (plugin svelte) Error: Undefined mixin.
3 │ @include themes.set(themes.$g90);
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
src/App.svelte 3:2 root stylesheet
The only thing i have changed from the svelte/template
plugins: [
preprocess: [
postcss: true,
scss: { includePaths: ["src", "node_modules"] },
I have tried for hours and am missing something.
I am using carbon myself (v11) and it looks like you are using a combination of v10 tactics and v11 tactics.
@carbon/theme won't get you anything.
It should either be, @use 'carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/themes'
(v10) or @use '@carbon/styles/scss/theme';
In v11 carbon, I am importing and using like this
@use '@carbon/react/scss/themes';
@use '@carbon/react/scss/theme' with (
$theme: themes.$g100,
@use '@carbon/react';
The styles are prepackaged in @carbon/react
and must be added AFTER the theme.
Let me know if any of that helped?