I have the results from a publisher in an Effect<[Int], Error>
How do I assign that [Int] to a variable?
Although I am able to get the results using this:
case .reviewed:
return environment.networkQuery.reviewed(pageCount: 1)
case let .processQuestionResult(.success(ids)):
case let .processQuestionResult(.failure(error)):
I want to use the publisher outside of the reducer:
let values: Effect<[Question], Error> = environment.networkQuery.reviewed(pageCount: 1)
what do I do to values
to extract the array upon success?
note: this a more finely resolved take on a question I posted previously:
Although the code was mostly good, I never saw the results.
This is because the code is inside a function and cancellable was disappearing with the function returning. The publisher immediately stops when the cancellable goes out of scope.
I moved results
and returnValues
into the view and now update a @State
property in the receiveValue
@State var returnValues = [Question]()
@State var results: AnyCancellable? = nil
func runQuery() {
let env = BespokeEnvironment(mainQueue: .main, networkQuery: NetworkQuestionRequestor())
results = env.networkQuery.reviewedQuestionsQuery(pageCount: 1)
receiveCompletion: { print($0)},
receiveValue: { values in
returnValues.append(contentsOf: values)