I wrote the following codes. But when I go to the url posts?page=1
, it still shows all of the Post model objects. What should I do?
'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'rest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination',
path('posts', views.posts_view, name='posts_view')
def posts_view(request):
posts = Post.objects.all()
serializer = PostSerializer(posts, many=True)
return Response(serializer.data)
You are writing a function based view, using @api_view
, so you need to do the pagination manually. You can try using the provided generic base api views instead of attempting to re-write this, if it works in your situation:
class PostView(generics.ListAPIView):
queryset = Post.objects.all()
serializer_class = PostSerializer
pagination_class = PageNumberPagination
path('posts', PostView.as_view(), name='posts_view')
To do pagination manually you are going to need to create and invoke the pagination just like the base classes do:
def my_view(request):
qs = Post.objects.all()
pagination = PageNumberPagination()
page = pagination.paginate_queryset(qs, request)
serializer = PostSerializer(page, many=True)
return pagination.get_paginated_response(
To be clear, using @api_view does support other framework features using additional decorators, e.g. @permissions_classes
. View level features like pagination & filtering are not supported via decorators.