I am moving my database in MongoDB to AWS DocumentDB. I am using mongodb-driver
(version 3.6.4) in Java to write and read the data, as well as to configure the collections I use. In particular, I have a schema validation (written as a JSON Schema) which seems not to be compatible with AWS DocumentDB.
Here the documentation says that $jsonSchema
is not supported, but I have not seen any explicit assertion about document validation in general.
Is it really unsopported? Is there any alternative (besides doing it in the Java code)?
As pointed out by smthakur19 in a comment above and as I expected, DocumentDB does not have the notion of required properties. However, it does have pre-triggers (e.g. one that runs a stored procedure prior to performing an insert). So it is possible to validate fields within a stored procedure and reject inserts that do not contain required properties in a given document type.