
Laravel - Get current .env() Value

I am working on a Laravel project. I often change the database connection between Mysql and Sqlite during development. In a php artisan Laravel command I have an import routine. Because I don't want to write the data into the wrong database, I want to set an if condition before the import. But unfortunately it doesn't work quite as I imagined.

if ( env('DB_CONNECTION', null ) === 'sqlite') {
   // Import to sqlite
} else if (env('DB_CONNECTION') === 'mysql') {
  // Import to mysql
} else {
  // no database in env DB_CONNECTION

In my .env file currrently the DB_CONNECTION is set on sqlite. But env('DB_CONNECTION', null) returns null.

What do I have to do to find out the current connection? Maybe using env() is not the right choice at this point?


  • For all those who will have the same problem in the future. Always! But really always, after you have modified the .env variable, you should execute the following "cleaning" commands:

    php artisan config:cache
    php artisan config:clear

    If you still don't get a value, ask SO.