
How to convert year-month-day to just years in python?

So I have this column in a dataframe that has 4896 rows of datatimes in this shape:


And I would like to transform or convert this data to years only (like 2018.15) -> convert the day and month to year time and have only the years!

How can I do so?? Thank you so much!!

In: 2018-10-24
Out: 2018.56 (for example)


  • Using just base Python (as you didn't specify that you have a pandas dataframe - pandas has specific functions to perform calculations with datetime objects):

    from datetime import datetime
    #takes as arguments the date as a string and an optional format string
    def floatyear(str, fmtstr="%Y-%m-%d"):
        t = datetime.strptime(str, fmtstr)
        t_first = datetime(t.year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
        t_last = datetime(t.year, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0)
        return t.year + ((t-t_first).days/(t_last-t_first).days)
    print(floatyear("2018-10-24", "%Y-%m-%d"))

    Sample output:
