I have an Nest.js application. I wanted to add MailerModule to my app using following link -> https://npm.taobao.org/package/@nest-modules/mailer
However, I just did the following steps:
First, npm install --save @nest-modules/mailer
Second I add app module mail config but it is giving an error here is my app.module.ts:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { HandlebarsAdapter, MailerModule } from '@nest-modules/mailer';
imports: [
useFactory: () => ({
transport: 'smtps://user@domain.com:pass@smtp.domain.com',
defaults: {
from:'"nest-modules" <modules@nestjs.com>',
template: {
dir: __dirname + '/templates',
adapter: new HandlebarsAdapter(), // or new PugAdapter()
options: {
strict: true,
export class ApplicationModule {}
Now I can't compile because it is saying that :
TS2345: Argument of type '{ imports: DynamicModule[]; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ModuleMetadata'. Types of property 'imports' are incompatible. Type 'DynamicModule[]' is not assignable to type '(Type | DynamicModule | Promise | ForwardReference)[]'. Type 'DynamicModule' is not assignable to type 'Type | DynamicModule | Promise | ForwardReference'. Type 'DynamicModule' is not assignable to type 'ForwardReference'. Property 'forwardRef' is missing in type 'DynamicModule'.
Perhaps check what version of nest you're using, this issue may be resolved in versions of nestjs 6+: