What I want to achieve is to call a function every time Parameter value of a component is updated, So I created a component with a Parameter and call a method inside its setter like this.
private LookupConfig _lookupConfig;
public LookupConfig Config { get { return _lookupConfig; } set { _lookupConfig = value; Console.WriteLine("Parameter Setter"); InitializeDropdownValues(); } }
In my parent component, I have a property.
public LookupConfig CustomerDropdown = new LookupConfig { LookupType = LookupType.Customer };
and I am passing it to child component like this.
<NeeleezAutoComplete Config="CustomerDropdown"/>
but every time I interact with NeeleezAutoComplete component setter of Parameter property Config is get called.
is it intentional behaviour of blazor parameters am i missing something ? and how do i achieve this functionlaity?
is it intentional behaviour of blazor parameters
Yes, this is by design. Blazor tracks parameter changes very lightly.
The solution seems simple:
if (_lookupConfig == value) return; // no change? Out of here.
_lookupConfig = value;
Console.WriteLine("Parameter Setter");
You may want to check Equality for LookupConfig but normally the defaults should suffice.