
Error when installing Microsoft Sql Server 2019, cannot find the microsoft OLE DB Driver

Error given

I am having trouble installing Microsoft SQL server 19 Express (I tired dev aswell, it does the same thing). It keeps giving me the error:

Error Description: An installation package for the product Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL server cannot be found, Try installing again using a valid copy of the installation pacakage 'msoledbsql.msi'

So what I tried was redownloading it from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/oledb/download-oledb-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver15 and running the .msi file. It runs fine and gives no errors but it still does not fix the issue. It still will not find the file and without it I cannot install the program. Or am I using the wrong driver for it? The other thing I have tried is when clicking on the .msi it gives me the option to remove or repair. I've done both as well (reinstalling after remove) but it still gives me the error. I'm very very lost at this point. Could anyone possibly help?


  • I managed to fix it, first, you need to go to programs and features and uninstall the "Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server" that is there and then let the installer install the new one