I have some Html Input fields with the name="textfield". For those input fields i want to calculate the standard deviation on the fly and put it into a html input field.
for the calculation i am using this javascript code.
<script type="text/javascript">
function doSum() {
var fields = document.getElementsByName("textfield");
var sum = 0;
for (var i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
var v = parseInt(fields[i].value, 10);
if (isNaN(v)) v = 0;
sum += v;
document.getElementById("ergebnis").value = sum;
// Javascript program to calculate the standered deviation of an array
function dostd(){
// Get all buttons as a NodeList
var btns = document.querySelectorAll('[textfield]');
// Convert buttons NodeList to an array
var btnsArr = Array.prototype.slice.call(btns);
let arr = btnsArr.map((b) => {return b.value})
// Creating the mean with Array.reduce
let mean = arr.reduce((acc, curr)=>{
return acc + curr
}, 0) / btnsArr.length;
// Assigning (value - mean) ^ 2 to every array item
arr = arr.map((k)=>{
return (k - mean) ** 2
// Calculating the sum of updated array
let sum1 = arr.reduce((acc, curr)=> acc + curr, 0);
// Calculating the variance
let variance = sum1 / arr.length;
// Returning the Standered deviation
sum1 = Math.sqrt(sum1 / arr.length);
document.getElementById("ergebnis1").value = sum1;
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<th>Messwert 1</th>
<th><input type="text" name="textfield" id="breite_mess1" onChange="doSum();dostd();"></th>
<th>Messwert 2</th>
<th><input type="text" name="textfield" id="breite_mess2" onChange="doSum();dostd();"></th>
if ($result1->num_rows > 0) {
$row = $result1->fetch_assoc();
echo"<form name='Formular'>";
echo"<p>Nennmaß (mm): " . $row["Breitemm"]. " </p>";
echo"<p>Toleranz(±) (mm): " . $row["ToleranzBreitmm"]. "</p>";
echo"<p>Mittelwert (mm):<input type='text' id='ergebnis' disabled></p> ";
echo"<p>Standardabweichung (mm):<input type='text' id='ergebnis1' disabled></input>";
} else {
echo "0 results";
the second part just appears as a other button is pressed.
but i dont get the output in the html field. i think i made a mistake at putting the textfield into an array. But i dont get it and cant find the mistake. I hope someone can clarify the problem.
Convert the field values to numeric values and filter out those that are non-numeric (e.g. because they are empty) before calculating the results. It will also make things easier if you create separate functions for the maths.
const sum = arr => arr.reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0);
const mean = arr => sum(arr) / arr.length;
const variance = arr => {
const m = mean(arr);
return sum(arr.map(v => (v - m) ** 2));
const sd = arr => Math.sqrt(variance(arr));
function dostd() {
const values = [...document.querySelectorAll('[name="textfield"]')]
.map(b => parseFloat(b.value))
.filter(v => !isNaN(v));
document.getElementById("ergebnis1").value = sd(values);
<input name="textfield" />
<input name="textfield" />
<input name="textfield" />
<input name="textfield" />
<input name="textfield" />
<input name="textfield" />
<textarea id="ergebnis1" ></textarea>
<button onclick="dostd()">Check</button>