
EAV model - How to restrict product properties?

I have the following structure of my database, implementing a simple EAV model (see pic):

My DB model

My product has a type, which through the junction table restricts prop_names, available for this product. And here everything is clear. BUT: Then I've added a prop_values table to keep the properties values for each product. It has reference to products through prod_sku and to prop_names through prop_id. And here the problem comes: One can add to any product any properties - even those, which are not allowed for this product type. Also, there can be duplications - two or more same properties for a single product.

Is there any way to restrict this on the database level?

After the @BillKarvin's answer, I've tried the below CREATE code, but failed with the 'Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed' error when creating the last table (property_values).

I have found my error - I forgot to add a KEY to the products table. Below is the corrected (working) version of my code:

CREATE TABLE product_types (
  product_type varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  block_css_id varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  block_description varchar(50) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE products (
  sku varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY,
  name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  price decimal(20,2) unsigned NOT NULL,
  id_product_type INT NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (id_product_type) REFERENCES product_types (id),
  KEY (sku, id_product_type)

CREATE TABLE property_names (
  property_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  property_css_id varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  property_input_name varchar(50) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE junction_ptype_propname (
  id_productt_type INT NOT NULL,
  id_property_name INT NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (id_productt_type, id_property_name),
  FOREIGN KEY (id_productt_type) REFERENCES product_types (id),
  FOREIGN KEY (id_property_name) REFERENCES property_names (id)

CREATE TABLE property_values (
  product_sku varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  property_id INT NOT NULL,
  property_value decimal(20,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00,
  id_prod_type INT NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY (product_sku, property_id),
  FOREIGN KEY (product_sku, id_prod_type) REFERENCES products (sku, id_product_type),
  FOREIGN KEY (property_id, id_prod_type) REFERENCES junction_ptype_propname (id_property_name, id_productt_type)


  • I would design this in the following way:

    enter image description here

    There are few important differences from your model:

    Now the prod_type in prop_values can have a single value per row, and it must reference the correct product type in both the products table and the junction_ptype_propname table. So it is constrained to be a valid property for the given product, and a valid property for the product type. You therefore cannot add a property to a product that isn't legitimate for that product's type.

    Here's the DDL:

    create table prod_types (
      id int primary key,
      type_name varchar(30) not null
    create table products (
      sku varchar(30) primary key,
      name varchar(30) not null,
      type int not null,
      foreign key (type) references prod_types(id),
      key(sku, type)
    create table prop_names (
      id int primary key,
      prop_name varchar(30) not null
    create table junction_ptype_propname (
      id_prop_name int not null,
      id_prod_type int not null,
      primary key (id_prop_name, id_prod_type),
      foreign key (id_prod_type) references prod_types(id),
      foreign key (id_prop_name) references prop_names(id)
    create table prop_values (
      id int primary key,
      prod_sku varchar(30) not null,
      prod_type int not null,
      prop_id int not null,
      prop_value decimal not null,
      unique key (prod_sku, prop_id),
      foreign key (prod_sku, prod_type) references products(sku, type),
      foreign key (prop_id, prod_type) references junction_ptype_propname(id_prop_name, id_prod_type)

    This question is fun because it's a case of using Fifth Normal Form. Many articles on database design claim that normal forms past the Third Normal Form aren't used. But your model disproves that.